it's your birthday today. the very first time of many that we will celebrate your life and the year we've walked thru with you. i cannot believe that you are one already. every mama says that, but it's true. we loose track of time with all the snuggling, sleepless nights, and watching you grow. you were a total surprise to your daddy and i. and to be honest, because mommy tends to be very honest, you were a surprise i was not ready for.
but. honey love, you so made up for it. i am so in love with you baby girl.

you were always happy. always sweet. i called you my punkin noodle. don't ask why, it just is what i called you. it fit.
you added another dynamic to our crazy kids. they loved you. i'm not always sure you loved all the "loving" that was constantly going on. as you've gotten bigger you tend to defend yourself a little better. you grab on to whom ever is "loving you and that toy you have" and go after them. you pull hair, bite, sit on them, whatever works. but you also love to find whom ever is sitting on the floor and go sit in their lap. it's the cutest thing.
but as it says in the worst book a mommy can read, "you grew and grew and grew." you were sitting up before your siblings did. and so proud.
you were standing and walking so fast i wasn't sure what was going on. i couldn't believe how quickly you picked up on everything. but we always knew you were smart. you have been a challenge with the whole mobile thing. you have been to the drs more times than your older siblings because you climb like there are alligators trying to bite at your chubby toes. and then you fall. you eat everything that you find. it's so gross. your brother only ate a snail and you've eaten way worse. i think the grossest is the used q-tip i found in your mouth. but you are also the healthiest. so, who knows.
sometimes you aren't "happy hay" as we refer to you. but you know who to go to. you so very much love your daddy. you and him have a special something. you get these silly moods and start playing kissy games with us and it just makes mommy and daddy want to buy you a pony.
you are so special surprise girl. you are the sweetest, and periodically feisty girl. you may have been unexpected, but you were definitely supposed to be with our family, we just didn't realize how badly we needed you.
now you have a new baby coming, and i know you are going to be a great big sister. hopefully you'll be over biting your baby dolls and just patting them.
no matter what you'll be my punkin noodle. my lovey girl. my happy hazel.
i love you to the moon and back,mommy
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