
We made it

We made it. Mostly. My sanity seems to be intact.

We started out easy this week. Just tried to find a rhythm. I realized that we are not traditional morning basket people. I need to get my people fed and then my butt to the gym, so my idea of "morning basket at breakfast" needs to become "morning basket at snack." We are definitely snack people. See, get my butt to the gym, read as eats too many snack.

With that being said, everything went great. The kids all started a fun typing program on the computer, and I *love* being a fast typer so I totally took over one of their turns and did a placement test. Felt like I was in high school again. I'm a nerd I know. Kids did great at piano. I had an allergic reaction to the cats, so I felt like Hitch when he has the allergic reaction to shellfish. Totally embarrassing and totally the irony of my life.

We joined a nature group and took a hike with them. Heard rumor of a snake on the trail and thankfully never saw one. Hard. Pass. Still we were terribly hot, dirty and had a great time. They all four couldn't stop saying how fun it was to go hiking and make new friends. At one point the oldest said, "Mom, I'm not sure if I'm awake or asleep because I'm so worn out, but that was a great day." Mission accomplished!

Later down the road we will be nature journalling. I actually plan on having them do it today, recalling things they loved and saw. When we talked about the hike during lunch, Hazel mentioned all the things she heard instead of saw. I thought that was an interesting observation and totally true to who she is. She has always been very observant and aware of sounds, especially those that are too loud. 

Topped the day off with a few hours at our pool and it was a great day!! 

Everyone keeps asking how homeschooling is going. Honestly, the schooling part is easy and awesome. I love watching them learn something and help teach each other something. I've not once thought, "When do you guys go back to school?" The harder part is the home and conflicts part. They aren't getting a break from each other, but at the same time, it's growing their friendships with each other! I know I need to continue to create boundaries and rhythms for them to feel they have their own space and special place in our family.

This is a grand adventure for us all and I can't wait to see where it leads!

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