i love christmas. not sure of too many people who hate christmas, now that i think about it. either way, christmas and the knowledge of it approaching makes me giddy. i have gathered and collect and created a lot of the christmas items in our home. some are childhood ornaments, or items our kid has made, or my favorite are the home made items. doesn't matter if i diy'd it or if someone else did. handmade is my favorite. always.
alas, i have no house to decorate this year, and all of my stuff is in storage. i have shared these very briefly and a few years ago, so i thought i'd revisit and elaborate on two of my favorite diy christmas decorations i've made.
the first is my pride and joy. our family advent calendar.
i had found one via pinterest on site here, and intended on following the format with multiple boards, but instead went with one single large piece of mdf. mostly because i had my hubby cut the squares too small to fit my envelopes.
after painting the board with a few coats of red paint from a bathroom we'd painted in an aprtment 6+ years ago, i used small coin envelopes i found at office max and decorated them with christmas paper and items i have from all my scrapbooking. i used my cricket to cut out some of the letters, or got creative. i had been given a advent boxes kit from target and used some of the items from that here as well. the envelopes are stuck on there with e6000, so they aren't going anywhere. 

i typed up the cards with all our activities, cut and corner rounded them for a pretty look and voila.
some of our activities are:
enjoy hot cocoa
take cookies to the local fire station
do a holiday craft
take a bag of food to the local homeless shelter
go look at christmas lights
my other favorite is our christmas countdown calendar.
i had found the plain clip boards at office max as well. paper and modge podge are all i needed. i used my cricut again to cut out the lettering and just typed up the letters on my computer. it was so cute and i was so in love that i decided to go back and purchase the mini clip boards and make them as gifts. because who doesn't love mini things, christmas things, and the combination of the both.
these turned out so cute, and i know that my friends loved them. i had one left over and i'm thinking it might be perfect for the handmade christmas exchange i am doing with emmy. but, that would require talking the husband into going to the storage unit, clearing out some boxes and letting me search every box from the craft room to find one little clip board. or i could just buy the supplies and make another one. which is probably what i will do.
i'm going to be dreaming of a white christmas and a decorate home this year for christmas.
linking up to the following...
LOVE both ideas! Can't wait to try them out!