our week in pics..
my happy babies.
this was on little miss' 1st birthday.
39 weeks preggo and no sign of an exodus. get out of my belly!
these two are inseparable on days he's home.
makes me melt.
go to trader joes, buy these crack chips and eat them.
buy lots of the bags so i don't have any left to buy.
my weight gain thanks you.
these two are usually inseparable too.
not by the dogs choice unfortunately.
grandparents got to read a story last week at mister's school
loved seeing him be so proud to have his grandma there!
my morning yesterday.
just a standard NST to make sure little girl is enjoying her extended stay.
she's gonna get her eviction notice on monday if she won't come out on her won.
not looking forward to the idea of being induced, especially with my third.
they're supposed to just walk out after you've had a few right? wrong.
everything about this baby has been a surprise, so i don't know why i wasn't expecting a surprise delivery.
will let you know when she comes and show you pictures of her sweet squishy face.
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