i have not blogged in weeks. bad blogger. bad.
sorry friends. life has been....well, just life.
i've been super blessed with etsy orders lately, and so i've been working hard in the craft room.
my little man is getting super big and we've been doing a lot of playing and cooking.
waiting for cinamon rolls can be so hard
i've also been busy growing the newest member of our family.
she is a strong one. seriously looks like i have an alien in my belly sometimes! major wiggler.

strawberries or most fruit for that matter
peanut butter & apples
peanut butter & chocolate
chocolate and peanut butter ice cream
ranch dressing...on anything.
i've been doing some crafting. and that makes me feel good!
my brother-in-law is getting married and i was in charge of decor at the future sister-in-law's family shower(yippy).
we went simple, but with a few fun pops of color

i also used flowers from my mom's garden for the decor.
don't these just make you want to cry they're so beautiful.

made a few gifts for the bride.
one was this chalkboard frame for her kitchen, the other was a wall "K" for her new last name. didn't get a picture of that one though. bad blogger remember.
that same day i also had a wedding too. then i went to my grandfather's house in paso robles while my husband was fishing for the week.
if you live near paso robles go to birch. it's the most amazing fabric store i've ever been in. ever. did i say most amazing. i died. almost spent the hubby's entire paycheck in the store. but had to use restraint.
all in all it's been busy. but good. hope your "this & that" has been good too!
Love the fresh flowers!