
while i wait {the living room}

so we have an offer in on a short sale. which for some people takes a long time and others goes relatively fast. we've had no news, and it feels like the days go on and on forever. why do they call it a short sale anyway? it's not short. it should be called a 'really really long sale' or a 'not sure if you'll get it sale' or a 'hurry up and wait sale.' but i didn't name it so it doesn't matter.

i need to wait and so to keep my mind from going even more crazy, need to protect what few cells i have left, i'm planning how i will decorate said house we don't technically own yet. putting the cart before the horse? no. not at all. but, i am a pinning mad woman. i've also gone the conventional route and looked at real magazines too.

the house has been vacant for 6 months so it needs a really good cleaning and will need to be painted throughout. these are my thoughts. in picture form. today let's focus on the living room...

we have to buy a new couch, because ours was gross and was taken to the dump. i've always dreamed of a sectional. i like the wall color and color scheme here, but not sure i could do that color in the whole house.

i realize this is a photo of a bedroom, but the focus for me is the painted fireplace. we will have one if we get this house and red just isn't my thing. i want to paint it. hubby does not. we will just see what the painter ends up painting. 

this whole room is to die for. i want all of it. those beams!!!! 
but mostly i'm looking at the floors. our floors are similar in color and the house has a spanish feel to it, but my style is country/costal cottage, so i'm thinking i can just use the beautiful wood floors to my advantage and not worry about what the other owner was feeling when they decorated. 

let's have a crazy convo for a moment here. i want to do paneling of some sort. i am a huge fan of regular board and batten, but now wait for it, but what if i did it or even real paneling to the ceiling? am i a crazy person? i feel like it's so cottage and my style. i will let my photo evidence speak for itself...

this one is my favorite. i think it might be the best compromise if hubby looses his mind at the idea of paneling to the ceiling. and to be honest i love everything about this whole room. the color of the walls are very doable for the entire main part of the house. 

so that's what i'm thinking so far. all just dreams, but hopefully with lots of patience they will become a reality. i'm sure though by the time it's ours {if it becomes ours} i probably will have changed my mind. but that's a pregnant woman for ya. 

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