it's that day again. where i recap our week, or periodically weeks, in photos.
i'm linking up with jeanett. it's so fun to see what other people are up to, espcially this time of year when everyone seems to get into the holiday and crafting spirit. looking forward to heading over there and admiring everyone else's photos.
this was our week...
i love giving. gift giving is my love language. so, christmas is my time of year!
we sponsor children in a school in haiti and our church does our own "operation christmas child" if you will. we are given boxes, names, ages and we fill them with new and beautiful goodies for these kids. i get to give to the child we sponsor and then we choose two that are like ages or genders of our kids. it helps make it personal for the kids and is a fantastic lesson on giving to others first.
i'm also being super brave and participating in giving in another area. i signed up for emmy's handmade christmas exchange!! i'm already working on ideas and think i have it narrowed down to a few. i'm super nervous whomever i send to won't like what i make, or it won't be good enough, but i am still going to push aside my fears and try!! plus it's for a great purpose.
this girl is a crack up. she had on tinkerbell shoes underneath the table. she knows how she wants to dress and lately i've been finding her in her bed in the morning completely naked ready to get dressed she says.
the hubby's birthday was last week so i made him one of my grandma's cakes. it's huge because we were taking it to the fire station. i love making her cakes, it reminds me of her in good ways. i can not wait for the day to teach my girls about her and how wonderful she was.
this is her being silly happy and it's how she is 98% of the time. she is a two year old that lives very passionately in the moment as most two year olds do, so she can be known to "passionately disagree" with me on a variety of subjects, such as, wearing certain shoes, saying no so often, being kind of bossy, and her opinion on the self-control corner is very strong. but, man oh man, do we love her! she is awesome.
my favorite stage is 12-24 months. they are happier, they are hilarious, and they are amazing eaters. she is an ah-maz-ing eater. she eats more than the other two combined sometimes. this look was because the mac-n-cheese {don't worry it was organic} was gone. very distraught. if i remember correctly she protested by rubbing her hands in her hair.
this dude has been so patient about his toys and things being in storage. he has a few small things one being his cars, but rarely anywhere to play with them because there are so many people walking around in the kitchen {which is the only place that isn't carpet}. on a day when my folks and sister weren't home i busted out the craft/packing paper and painters tape and we did things the old fashioned way. we made one of our own. he had a blast. it had houses for the cars, a lake, a park, a fire station, a dump, and a target. i'm so glad to see that my brainwashing is working on even him about the amazingness of target. next on my list is homegoods...
we have family photos tomorrow. and this guy went one round with the bathroom counter. yay for photoshop and not going to lie i might use makeup. it's now his whole eye that is brownish purple. like really bad eyeshadow.
she is a snuggler. she is always cuddling her lovies or blanket and i'm obsessed with it. she's that way with her daddy too. not me, but just her daddy.
this one is my favorite. all the babies on the couch. hazel has two pillows because that is the minimum she requires. i didn't put those there because i'm afraid she'll fall off the couch. she will and she'll be totally fine and try to get back up. she requires them and then steals them from the others. i think she'll handle being a middle child just fine.
that's my week. i hope you have a wonderful weekend.
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