now, i'm not a circus person. or a carnival person, or a really large crowds sort of person.
i've seen far to many episodes of csi.
i think that explains it mostly.
however, my
i'm so glad i did. he made such magical memories.
he was the oldest of all the kids so we did some fun littler stuff first.
like riding ponies. which on the ride home i was told, "they aren't a real ride, they are just ponies mom."
they had a great farming exploratory area. he played with corn, and milked a "cow," used an old school water pump to push ducks around.
it was all very fun. sister was along for the ride, she was happy as long as she was eating something. 
what he really wanted to do.....was ride the ferris wheel.

pretty sure i'm getting this blown up and hanging it up in our house. pretty sure that's magic right there.
"i want to ride that one mom." "look at that big ferris wheel." "oh, wow. is it my turn?"
sadly, he was maybe 1" too short.
there were tears. but, there were other rides too.
that smile melts me.
that's what it is all about.
he is making memories. memories he may tell his friends about.
memories he may even tell his kids about. but, definitely memories he'll carry for a long time.

he rode almost all the rides himself.
these two make me smile.
it was a wonderful evening. we left after 9, and he talked the entire drive home.
no one tried to steal my kid, and the carnies were okay.
glad i didn't get in the way of any magical moments and i did get to enjoy some nachos.
so it was a win win for everyone.
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