my baby is two today.
i'm pretty sure yesterday he looked like this in the hospital.
my whole life changed that afternoon. no one could have told me or prepared me (though they tried) for the radical effect having a baby would hold in my heart.
i'm welling up just thinking about how big he is and how much he's grown.
and how much i've grown.

5 days old (photo by Autumn Hull Photography)
6 month old smiley boy (photo by Nicole Hahn Photography)
love this drooly boy (photo by Nicole Hahn Photography)
my big one year old last year (photo by Nicole Hahn Photography)
my big two year old (photo by me.)
i love that he's getting bigger and hate it all at the same time.
he does the funniest stuff all day long. and he makes me melt all. day. long.
some of my favorite things he does:
-reading to himself. none of what he says makes sense to anyone but him.
-counting. un, two, two, nine. :)
-identifying letters. they are all e, c, o, but hey he still knows they're letters.
-his LOVE for art. he would sit and draw all day if i let him.
-our morning snuggles. he wants to cuddle me, even when i'm trying to change his diaper.
-everything is big, BIG, BIG. cars, trucks, trains, etc.
-the above mentioned vehicles are his favorite. that and the trash truck. i don't get it, but he loves it.
-his manners. whenever i give him something he says, "tait tu mama."
-his love of others.
-his prayers. my favorite time of day. he prays for whatever he sees. "tait tu food. tait tu mama dada. tait tu waer. tait tu juce. tait tu ouside. tait tu roar. tait tu woof....etc." have i mention before that i love him.
i love him. so much. this boy constantly challenges me to be the best of myself. i love him beyond what words can describe. all you mama's out there know exactly what i mean.
i can not wait to see what this year bring, especially with a new sibling coming in the fall. i know that will be a challenge for him, but he loves babies and little kids, so i think he'll do fine.
he have a photo shoot coming up with the amazing Nicole Hahn soon and i can't wait! will post pictures soon!
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